Understanding RuleFit: The Algorithm That Combines Decision Trees and Linear Models

The RuleFit algorithm stands out as a unique approach in the realm of machine learning. It ingeniously combines the interpretability of decision trees with the simplicity and effectiveness of linear models. In this blog, we'll dive deep into what RuleFit is, how it works, and its practical applications.

What is RuleFit?

RuleFit is an algorithm that fits a sparse linear model on rules extracted from decision trees. Developed by Friedman and Popescu, this method offers a blend of decision tree's intuitive rules-based approach and the generalization ability of linear models.

The Core Concept

At its heart, RuleFit extracts a series of rules from an ensemble of decision trees (usually boosted trees). Each rule represents a path in a decision tree, essentially a series of conditions based on feature values. These rules are then used as variables in a linear model, combining the interpretability of rules with the predictive power of linear regression.

Illustration of rule based decision tree

How Does RuleFit Work?

  1. Tree Generation: RuleFit starts by creating a number of decision trees on the dataset. These trees can be generated through various methods, including boosting, which is a technique that sequentially builds trees to correct the mistakes of the previous ones.
  2. Rule Extraction: Each path from the root to a leaf in these trees forms a rule. A path might look like if (Feature1 > 10) and (Feature2 < 3) then outcome is Y. Each of these rules becomes a binary feature: it's 1 if the rule is applicable to a given instance, and 0 otherwise.
  3. Linear Model Fitting: With these binary rule features, along with the original features of the dataset, RuleFit then fits a linear model. This could be a simple linear regression or a more complex regularized linear model like Lasso, which adds sparsity and helps in selecting the most relevant rules.
  4. Interpretation: The final model gives us a linear equation where the coefficients of the rules indicate their importance. This makes RuleFit models much more interpretable compared to other black-box models.

Applications of RuleFit

RuleFit shines in scenarios where interpretability is as crucial as predictive power. Some of its applications include:

  • Credit Scoring: In financial sectors, RuleFit can help in assessing credit risk while providing understandable rules for the decisions.
  • Medical Diagnosis: It can be used for diagnostic purposes in healthcare, where understanding the rationale behind a diagnosis is essential.
  • Customer Segmentation: In marketing, RuleFit can segment customers into various groups based on interpretable rules, aiding targeted marketing strategies.

Advantages and Limitations


  • Interpretability: The use of rules makes the model more understandable.
  • Flexibility: It combines the strengths of decision trees and linear models.
  • Feature Selection: RuleFit inherently performs feature selection, making the model efficient and focused.


  • Complexity: The process of generating trees and rules can be computationally intensive.
  • Overfitting Risk: Without proper regularization, the model might overfit, especially with a large number of rules.


RuleFit offers a compelling approach for those seeking a balance between interpretability and predictive accuracy. Its unique combination of decision tree rules and linear modeling makes it an invaluable tool in fields where understanding the 'why' behind predictions is as important as the predictions themselves. As machine learning continues to evolve, algorithms like RuleFit underscore the growing importance of models that are not just powerful, but also transparent and interpretable.