Active Learning in Machine Learning

Active learning is a machine learning technique that seeks to minimize the amount of labeled data required to train accurate models. In active learning, models are able to interactively query data points from users or oracles. By only requesting labels for the most informative samples, active learning algorithms aim to achieve higher accuracy with fewer labeled data points.

In traditional supervised learning, models are trained passively using a labeled dataset. The models have no control over what data is labeled. In contrast, active learning systems can choose what data points they want labels for. This allows them to learn more efficiently using fewer labeled examples.

Active learning is well-suited for cases where unlabeled data is abundant but getting training labels is expensive. It reduces the human effort required for labeling data. Active learning is especially useful when the underlying data distribution changes over time. Models can requery unlabeled data to improve their performance on new data.

When to Use Active Learning

Active learning shines in applications where:

  • Labeled training data is scarce, but unlabeled data is widely available. In some domains like biomedicine, unlabeled data may be abundant but labeling requires expensive expertise. Active learning reduces the labeling cost.
  • Models need to be continuously updated with new data. In non-stationary environments, active learning allows models to achieve better performance with fewer labels by focusing on new data. This is crucial for applications like recommender systems.
  • Labeling costs prevent scaling supervised learning. For problems involving large datasets, labeling all data can be infeasible. Active learning makes it practical to train accurate models with a small labeled subset.

In general, active learning is preferred over passive learning when there is abundance of unlabeled data and scarcity of labeled data. It helps reduce the costs associated with data annotation. The gains are especially pronounced in dynamic, real-world environments.

Active Learning Methods

There are several algorithms for implementing active learning. They can be categorized based on how queries are selected:

Pool-Based Sampling

In pool-based active learning, the learner has access to a large pool of unlabeled data. Queries are selectively drawn from this pool. Pool-based strategies include:

  • Uncertainty sampling: Query points where the model is least certain in its predictions. These are often close to the decision boundary.
  • Diversity sampling: Query points that are most different from the existing labeled set. This aims to cover the whole input space.
  • Expected model change: Query points that would impart the greatest change to the model if labeled. This uses the model's gradients.
  • Expected error reduction: Query points that would minimize the model's expected generalization error. This is computationally expensive.

Pool-based sampling is the most common active learning approach. Uncertainty sampling is a simple and effective pool-based method.

Stream-Based Selective Sampling

In stream-based active learning, the unlabeled data comes from a stream. The learner selectively chooses queries from this stream as the data arrives. It discards non-queried points. Stream-based sampling fits applications with abundant streaming data.

Query Synthesis

Query synthesis methods actively generate new unlabeled data points by perturbing or combining existing data. These synthetic points are designed to be maximally informative for the model. Generating queries can sidestep issues of sampling bias. But synthesizing useful queries is challenging.

In summary, pool-based uncertainty sampling is the simplest go-to approach for many active learning problems. Stream-based sampling suits streaming data environments. Query synthesis is an emerging method.

Implementing an Active Learning System

Putting active learning into production involves:

  1. Data Labeling Workflow

An active learning loop needs humans or external models in the loop to label queries. For pool-based sampling, an unlabeled dataset first needs to be collected. Queries are selectively drawn from this pool for labeling.

For stream-based sampling, data is queried on-the-fly as it streams through the system. The labeling interface needs to show representative examples and capture precise labels.

  1. Model Retraining Workflow

Models are initially trained on a small labeled seed set. They are retrained periodically as new labeled queries are collected. The system must determine when to retrain and how to control for concept drift.

  1. Tracking Model Improvement

As models are retrained on new labels, their performance needs to be tracked. Metrics like accuracy on a held-out set can determine whether labeling is still improving the model.

When to Stop

There are various criteria for stopping the active learning loop:

  • Model reaches sufficient accuracy
  • Labeling budget exhausted
  • Model stops improving from new data

The stopping criteria impacts how many labels are ultimately needed.

In summary, implementing active learning requires workflows for querying unlabeled data, collecting labels, periodically retraining models, and determining when to stop. The right workflows depend on the application.

Challenges of Active Learning

Some limitations and pitfalls to consider:

  1. Labeling Cost

While active learning reduces labeling needs, each label still carries a cost. In some domains, the cost per label may be prohibitively high regardless of the number of labels needed.

  1. Selection Bias

Since active learners query highly informative points, the labeled dataset is not an unbiased representation. Models trained only on queried labels may exhibit selection biases.

  1. Concept Drift

In non-stationary environments, the underlying data distribution can drift over time. Models trained on older labels may become outdated. Active learning systems must account for concept drift.

While active learning has limitations, in many applications it can dramatically reduce the number of required training labels. The challenges can be mitigated through proper system design and monitoring.

Applications and Examples

Active learning has been successfully applied in diverse domains:

  1. Image Classification

Early active learning systems queried images for user labels in image classification tasks. Uncertainty sampling led to higher accuracy with fewer labels.

  1. Text Classification

For document classification, keyword searches can retrieve unlabeled samples for active learning. This reduces the need for manual document labeling.

  1. Drug Discovery

Active learning can suggest chemical compounds for biologists to assay from a large pool. This accelerates the search for promising new drug candidates.

  1. Recommender Systems

Recommender systems must stay updated on users' changing interests over time. Active learning allows selectively querying users for maximum personalization.

Active learning-based systems have achieved state-of-the-art results across text, image, audio, clinical, and biomedical applications. The ability to minimize labeling makes active learning highly useful for real-world machine learning problems.


Active learning enables machine learning with fewer training labels by intelligently sampling unlabeled data points to query. It reduces labeling costs and makes training feasible for datasets too large to label exhaustively.

Active learning algorithms select what data points to query based on uncertainty, diversity, expected model change, and more. Pool-based uncertainty sampling is simple and effective in many cases. Implementing active learning requires workflows for querying, labeling, model retraining, and measuring improvement.

While active learning has limitations like sample bias and concept drift, its ability to minimize labeling effort makes it invaluable for many applications. Active learning continues to be an active area of research in machine learning.